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Hubei disaster relief - public road gratitude has you

Befrom:anlpsNewstime:2017-12-11 15:49:53Author:lijl00

 Tianmen city yu firewood town, affected by the heavy rainfall and the upstream water before, in the town of fish at tianmen river flows, long day north canal, dongfeng and small rivers all autocracism, three rivers into a piece of all DAMS across the Banks. The roads in the provincial and tongcun villages have been disrupted, and the traffic has been paralyzed. Seven villages, including yangang, zhu wentai and luo ting, have been surrounded by water and become islands. The power supply power station and the water supply plant equipment are damaged, the whole town is blackouts, the people's basic life cannot be guaranteed. NSX安贝斯控制台厂家

Wuhan female photographers' association and wuhan employees' photography branch took photos of the flood relief in tianmen, and recorded the relief of flood relief in tianmen, hubei province. On the road of public welfare, gratitude has you! 

LAST:Luo ji primary school volunteer servic


